Durham Bugle Articles Issues 1 - 10

Issue No 1 Autumn 2000

1     Editorial and Reports of the Annual meeting of The Society of Friends of The DLI Museum

2     A soldiers last message home comes to rest after 85 years –  Message in a bottle!

3     The Final Game – a unique occasion recorded

4     The History Page – First of a series of easy-to-read histories of the regular battalions of the DLI from 1758 – 1900

Issue No 2 Spring 2001

1     The History Page – An outline history of the Regiment from 1902-1937

2     Major Ian English MC TD tells of the Arras counter attack as a lesson in manoeuvre warfare

3     Brief outline of the story of the Volunteer Battalions

4     Padre Major Fred Blackburn tells of his meeting with “Monty”

Issue No 3 Autumn 2001

    The Annual General Meeting of The Society of Friends of the DLI Museum

1     The History Page. The completion of the easy-to-read history of the DLI

2     Durham County Records

3     Forging Memories – by David Thompson

4     Flimsy Tins & Jerry cans – by Major I R English MC TD

5     Citations & More – by Maj. Mike Spurrier

6     Antigua, a posting of the 68th Foot – by Major Randal Cross

7     Lonely Graves, South Africa

Issue No 4 Spring 2002

1     The “Faithful” Inkerman Dinner Club and the background to The VC Celebration Stone

2     The Address given by Canon G.H. Markham at the reunion service in Durham Cathedral, Sept 1, 2001

3     Feelings  – David Thompson deals with evidence that confirms how the support of the people at home was appreciated by the troops in the trenches

4     Military Transport – Major I R English MC TD compares the problems met by his father serving with 9 DLI in WW1 with his own experiences in while serving with 8DLI

Issue No 5 Autumn 2002

1     The Bad Boys of 2 DLI made their mark in Colditz

2     The San Martino Trail – The story of how eight members of “C” (DLI) Coy of the Tyne Tees Regt from Bishop Auckland accompanied by Major I.R. English (who had escaped this way) and Major & Mrs Randal Cross completed the Trail charity walk

3     Borneo, The Last Campaign of the DLI – Col R W H Crawford OBE relates some of his memories of the last action of the DLI

4     The Wakenshaw family visit the museum on 60th Anniversary of Pte Adam Wakenshaw’s courageous action

Issue No 6 Spring 2003

1     How a DLI POW taught Maurice Chevalier to speak English

2     The Battle (that nearly was) of Durban Quay – An eye-witness report by Major I R English MC

3     With the Colours – by Kevin Storey

4     The King and The DLI – by Ralph Harrison

5     Postcards and the DLI – Peter Nelson looks at how the postcard-collecting hobby is of historical relevance to the DLI

Issue No 7 (labelled 6) Autumn 2003

1     A Pilgrimage to the Desert Battlefields

2     Outline of the Friends AGM

3     The Jack Banks Story – a WW2 Boy soldier and ‘A Footnote to the Story’ by Canon G.W. Markham

4     The Art of being Blind – Peter Nelson looks at the history of St. Dunstan’s and the fund-raising efforts of postcard artists such as R Caton Woodville

5     Korean Page – Subalterns, “Sammy” Cotton (A Korean Casualty Remembered)

6     The Boxing Bandsman – Ralph Harrison interviews Jimmy Towns

Issue No 8 Spring 2004

1     D Day – Ian English recalls his experience with 151 (Durham) Brigade                      

2     Service in Egypt in 1954 by Philip Windsor-Aubrey (Tins o’ strawberries)                                 

3     Second Battalion War Graves – Fred Farley’s album of photographs of DLI war graves in Burma   

4     The 4th (Extra Reserve) Bn 1914-19 – David Thompson writes about an important training and reinforcement unit

5     The Shanghai Incident – Major Mike Bond looks back on his experiences in Hong Kong and those of his father in Shanghai

6     The King & the DLI continued – Ralph Harrison adds detail to his original article                                                   

7     A Sign of the Times – A modern day ‘Battiscombe’s Letter’ in the form of an email from Steve Hopper (“C” (DLI) Coy, Tyne Tees Regt in Iraq

8     The Man with the Lamp at the burial of Sir John Moore

9     The Steel of the DLI – The White Gurkhas inc. WW1 poetry dedicated to the Second Battalion

Issue No 9 Autumn 2004

1     The Mounted Infantry – Ralph Harrison relates how the regiment came to own a  silver model of a pony called Snow

2     Inkerman – Kevin Storey tells the story of the ‘Soldiers Battle’ 150 years ago   

3     Counting the Cost – Peter Nelson reflects on the D-Day anniversary and the cost to one particular individual who lost his sight

4     A call for help from the County Record Office – Can you help to identify people in photographs for the record?

5     The DLI Train – Ralph Harrison’s history of the DLI locomotive

6     An Afterthought to ‘Counting the Cost’ (see 3 above) – by Peter Nelson

7     Jack Banks Commemoration – A report of the visit to Blackburn & Darwen

8     3rd Reserve Battalions in WW1 – by David Thompson

9     Hospital Hill, Salerno – Ken Lovell recalls the counterattack

10    Medical duty with 6 DLI recalled by Dr David Joy

Issue No 10 Spring 2005

1     Capt Richard W Annand VC DL – The address by General Robin Brims at the Memorial Service for Capt Annand VC DL at Durham Cathedral

2     Durham County Record Office – The Image of the Soldier project

3     Borneo 1962-66

4     Postcards from the DLI Front – Peter Nelson on the recently acquired Fred Lucas postcard collection

5     Paddy Hobin’s escape story – The story of a Sacriston soldier’s three attempts to escape from Germany

6     Trench Art – Peter Nelson writes about the pastime, the skills and some of the items to be found at sales

7     The National Memorial Arboretum