Durham Bugle Articles Issues 21 - 30

Issue No 21 Autumn 2010

1    Dunkirk: 70 Years On

2    In The Picture     (The Worker’s Educational Association & Lt P A Brown)

3    Richard Annand VC House

4    Déjà Vu    (The poetry of Vietnam war veteran Michael Koplin)

5    The Creation of the Duplicate TA Battalions of the DLI – 1938

6    The Albert Medal & the DLI (George Alderson – winner of the Albert Medal in Gold for saving life on land)

7    Mystery Man update    (more about Lt William Watson DCM)

8    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 1

   9    DLI Great War artist   (the paintings of Col G O Spence CB DSO 5 DLI)

10  The DLI 100 Years Ago & 50 Years Ago

Issue No 22 Spring 2011

1    Meet Emma Hamlett (new manager of the DLI Museum and Art Gallery)

2    Tom Coyne

3    May 1940 – 2 DLI at St Venant

4    Wartime Welcome in Oxfordshire

5    The War comes to Stanhope

6    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 2

7    The Hero and the Thief

8    George Alderson – more! ( winner of the Albert Medal in Gold for saving life on land – see Issue 21)

9    Proposed DLI Memorial for the UK National Arboretum

10  Technology

11  The DLI 100 Years Ago & 50 Years Ago

Issue No 23 Autumn 2011

1     The Loyal Stockton Volunteers

2     Putting Away The Colours

3     The DLI 100 Years Ago & 50 Years Ago

4    DLI Arboretum Memorial Update

5   Medal Group Project Report 

6   Medals And The Museum – Q & A with the DLI Museum Manager

7     The China Station

8     1st Chinese Regiment 1899 – 1906 & The Boxer Rebellion

9     The Unknown Warrior

10    LI Reunion & Memorial

11    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 3

12    Deerbolt Camp (The postcards of Bill Heyes)

13    The Battle of Gravenstafel (Last battle for many Bede Boys)

Issue No 24 Spring 2012

1    The Battle of Salamanca

2    John Green’s Salamanca

3    A Soldier of the 68th

4    A Garden Of Remembrance (Stockton Parish Church)

5    The DLI 100 Years Ago & 50 Years Ago

6    David Ogilvie (DLI Boxer)

7    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 4

8    For Your Tomorrow – A Review of Harry Moses’ book

   9    Harry On The Spot (Interview with Harry Moses)

10  School Remembrance (Hartburn Primary School)

11. Corporal Jack (The Story of Cpl John (Jack) Horsman MM

12. The Unidentified Portrait (Lt Col Ernest George Crouch)

13. The Victoria Cross Ceremony (Pte Thomas Young VC) – Scattering of ashes of Lt Col Eric Burini

14. ‘Tommy’ Goes To The Co-op (Presentation of statuette to Birtley Co-op Distribution Centre

Issue No 25 Autumn 2012

1    National DLI Memorial finally unveiled

2    Lt Col John Heron’s memories of the weekend

3    DLI Memorial Dedication

4    Planning Ahead (thoughts about the forthcoming centenary of the start of WWI)

5    The Memorial Census of the 1950s (an attempt to catalogue all DLI memorials)

6    The Birth of the DLI Museum (a 1924 idea begins to bear fruit)

7    The DLI in the Korean War (remembering the 60th anniversary of the DLI involvement)

 8    The DLI 100 Years Ago & 50 Years Ago

9    The Victoria Cross – Fakes and Forfeitures

10   The Loyal Toast

11   The John Reynolds Diaries – part 5

12   Fighting on Two Fronts – the Mulligan family

13   Nino Bixio & SS Scillin  (the 70th anniversary of the ‘friendly fire’ sinkings of DLI PoW ships)

Issue No 26 Spring 2013

1     Meet the Museum Manager – Gillian Robinson

2     DLI Memorial update … and … DLI Silver Sale

3     The Universal or Bren Gun Carrier

4     The Museum’s Carrier

5     DLI Men who won fame in Carriers 

6     Sgt George Hill MM 8DLI, Cpt Cole MC 6DLI

7     The DLI 50 Years Ago & 100 Years Ago

8     The John Reynolds Diaries – part 6

9     DLI Museum North East Military Vehicle Rally

10    Going To The Dogs, The Story of Tommy Gibson DLI

11    The Memorial History of 70th Infantry Brigade Group (Anniversary visit to Battlefields of Ficheux, Mercatel and Rauray)

12    Mike Spurrier’s Mystery Man (CSM Andrew/Andre Carudel MM DCM)

13    The Wooden Letter (J Tanner, G F Nutt)

Issue No 27 Autumn 2013

1    Not forgotten – the Boer war 1899 – 1902

2    The DLI 100 Years Ago & 50 Years Ago

3    The Heaviside Connection (young relatives visit the Museum)

4    Boer War Weapons

5    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 7

6    The South African Experience  (lessons learned or not)

7    The Boer War Memorial   (facts and figures and John Attle’s photographs)

8    Real Stories, Real Lives  (educational Museum project for Yr 9 pupils researching WW1 experience of past pupils)

   9    Tilly-sur-Seulles  (the murder of two 6 DLI soldier captives at Chateau d’Audrieu)

10  A Family at War   (the fighting Proctor family of Pelton Fell, Co. Durham)

Issue No 28 Summer 2014

1    The Bede College Contingent  pt 1

2    Major Garry Turner

3    DLI Museum update

4    DLI Friends Volunteer Project

5    The Forgotten Man – The Bede College Memorial and Sydney Casewell Cureton

6    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 8

7    Can You Help Me Discover What My Grandfather Did In WW1?

  8    The Durham County Record Office & the DLI

   9    Medal Finds – The Carib War Medal & The Sardinian Medal For Valour

10   Rangoon Jail and the Durhams – DLI men and the Chindit ‘Operation Longcloth’ campaign, 1943

Also: Back Cover – DLI Battalions of the Great War

Issue No 29 Autumn 2014

1     The North East answers Kitchener’s Call to Arms

2    The Bombardment of Hartlepool

3     We were told when we enlisted …..    (part 1 of the story of Pte George Hall Greenwell 18 DLI)

4     The Bede College Contingent  pt 2

5     The Dedication of the DLI Statue in Durham Market Place & the DLI Annual Reunion

6     The John Reynolds Diaries – part 9

7     Friends and Volunteers update

8     Durham At War   (the newly launched WW1 website for Durham County)

9    The Story of the Half Shilling Curate     (the story of Rev. Herbert Butler Cowl MC who served in WW1 with 12 & 13 DLI)

10    Lt Col Percy Phillipe Wilson & The Territorial Force War Medal

Issue No 30 Summer 2015

1    The Bede College Contingent  pt 3

2    We were told when we enlisted …..    (part 2 of the story of Pte George Hall Greenwell 18 DLI)

3    Chemical Warfare – How gas came to be used on the Ypres Front

4    Cavalry of the Clouds – the DLI and the Air War, Army and RFC (later RAF) service

5    The DLI’s Greatest Ace – the flying exploits of George Hubert Kemp 15DLI

6    DLI Museum Report

7    The John Reynolds Diaries – part 10

8    Col Bryan Charles Fairfax – early aviator, sportsman, veteran of China, South Africa, India and WW1

   9    Casualties of The Great War – the systems put in place to help the casualties of battle in WW1

10  Thankful Villages – how they got that name